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A/BE 反擠壓裝置-老齡食品
A/BE 反擠壓裝置
由盤型活塞和樣品容器組成。在進行下壓實驗時,樣品從活塞的外緣翻擠上來。適用於軟凝膠一類的半固體樣品, 加工處理過的水果、奶油等,可測量樣品的黏性(Stickiness)、內聚性(Cohesivness)與濃稠度(Consistency)。
This rig comprises of a sample container which is centrally located beneath a disc plunger. The disc plunger performs a compression test which extrudes the product up and around the edge of the disc. This test measures the consistency of viscous products such as yoghurt, creams and sauces as well as processed fruit and vegetables. Results relate to measurements of viscosity.