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A/CKB 精細刀具-休閒食品
A/CKB 精細刀具
50 mm 寬的可更換鋒利刀具,適用於測試高硬度或是表面堅硬,甚至小於0.5mm 厚的樣品硬度(Hardness)、酥性(Crispy) 及脆性(Crunchy),如口香糖、堅果、穀類等樣品。
This fixture accommodates a standard 50mm wide replaceable craft blade and enables precision cutting of samples. Due to the sharpness of the blade, hard products can be cut whilst providing a ‘disposable’ blade option if blade blunting is of concern. The blade thickness (0.6mm) enables precision cutting of very small samples, for example seeds or nuts, or shearing without compression of very soft or brittle samples such as laminated pastry.

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