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A/ECB 延展刀具

A/ECB 延展刀具裝置
該裝置為可更換式刀片, 此刀片厚度為0.9 mm 固定在寬11.5 mm 的鎖架上,樣品的最大寬度可以達到100 mm。適合測試較厚較大的樣品,例如酥皮或派的硬度(Hardness)和酥脆性(Crispy/Crunchy)。

The Extended Craft Knife fixture accommodates a replaceable 0.9mm thickness blade supported on a 115mm wide frame. It enables the use of a thin craft blade for the cutting of deeper and wider samples. The maximum sample width is 100mm. Note: Protective goggles or other eye protection are recommended when using this attachment.

A/ECB 延展刀具
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