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A/HCR 頭髮梳理裝置
A/HCR 頭髮梳理裝置
此裝置通過創新的設計,用以評價使用頭髮護理產品後髮質的改善效果,透過單次及多次可重複執行的梳理動作,得到頭髮的梳理性(Combability) 等指標,符合洗髮精和潤絲精等產品使用前後的比較需求。
This innovative rig allows manufacturers of shampoos, conditioners and smoothing agents to evaluate the ‘combability’ of treated hair samples to substantiate claims of ‘improved manageability’. The rig comprises a unique mechanical function that allows ‘before and after’ tests in continuous combing strokes in order to replicate consumer action.

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