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A/ICC 霜淇淋蛋捲測試裝置
A/ICC 霜淇淋蛋捲測試裝置
模擬施加固定壓力使蛋捲斷裂,以測量把冰淇淋填充到蛋捲時所需的力,可測量冰淇淋蛋捲的主要質地結構參數, 例如脆性(Brittleness)、韌性(Toughness) 和酥性(Crispiness)。
The cone strength test measures the force required to cause breakage and simulates the stress imposed when an ice cream scoop is forced into the cone. Using the Ice Cream Cone Support Rig, cone strength is defined as the amount of force required to cause breakage, when a ball-shaped object of specified diameter and weight is pressed into the cone using a compression platen whilst the cone is supported by the rig.
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