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A/IS 吸入器支撐裝置
A/IS 吸入器支撐裝置
評估噴霧器效果的關鍵因素在於定量閥(Metering Valve)的彈簧機械結構與噴劑配方,例如執行一個新型的推進系統,必須重新設計噴霧閥達到成功輸送藥物,此裝置可測量按壓吸入器後可輸送藥劑所需要的力量(Force) 大小,以評估定量閥(MeteringValve) 的性能。
The metering valve, whose performance is assessed with this test, is a critical component of a finished metered-dose inhaler. The interaction between the elastomeric components and the formulation can significantly affect product performance. A change in formulation, for example implementing a new propellant system, may necessitate a complete redesign of the valve system in order to successfully deliver the drug with the minimum of difficulty.

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