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A/SPR 滾輪拉伸測定裝置
A/SPR 滾輪拉伸測定裝置
主要用於麵條彈性(Elasticity)、抗張強度(Tensile Strength)及延展性 (Extensibility)測試,將樣品纏繞於防滑滾輪上,避免在兩側被夾斷或折斷;適用於具延展性的產品,例如麵條、拉麵或烏龍麵等。
This tensile rig is ideally suited to perform break strength and elasticity measurements on both noodle and spaghetti samples. The sample is located through slots in the parallel friction rollers and then wound round two or three times to reduce any slippage and also to anchor the sample ends.
The rollers ensure that the sample is not split or cut during the test and that the break occurs along its extended part.
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