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A/TG 拉伸裝置-凝膠薄膜

A/TG 拉伸裝置
此裝置可用於測試包材及無菌包裝材料的韌性(Toughness) 及延展性(Extensibility)。亦可從包裝袋接縫處撕開,進一步評估其膠黏劑的密封程度。包裝材料除了堅固耐用,還要考慮撕開容易,不至猛力撕開而造成內含物噴濺出來的情況,因此亦可評估包材的友善性。

The gripping action of the A/TG tensile grips is provided by a screw initiated vice clamp operating on knurled jaw faces of 35mm x 35mm. They are general purpose grips suitable for holding samples which have a uniform rectangular shape and a maximum thickness of 25mm.

A/TG 拉伸裝置-凝膠薄膜
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