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A/WEG 精細刀具

A/WEG 精細刀具
儀器包括30 mm 寬的上、下楔,切入角為 30°下楔直接固定在測試儀底座上,上楔與Load cell 連接;測試產品包括乳酪和蔬菜,可以進行斷裂力(Fracture Force)、硬度(Hardness)測量。

This attachment comprises of upper and lower wedges each with a cutting angle of 30° and 30mm width. The lower wedge is fixed directly to the base of the Texture Analyser and the upper wedge is connected directly to the loadcell.
Typical examples include cheese and vegetables which are held on the lower wedge and the force to fracture is measured. The maximum sample width is limited to 30mm.

A/WEG 精細刀具
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