HDP/ATR 磨損測試裝置
HDP/ATR 磨損測試裝置
該裝置分析一系列材料的摩擦特性(Frictional Properties), 如砂紙、牙齒研磨帶和指甲銼刀等, 瞭解產品線和材料的強度(Strengths)、缺點(Weaknesses)和差異性(Variations)。
This rig analyses the frictional properties of a wide range of materials such as sandpaper, dental abrasive strips and flexible nail files, enabling manufacturers to highlight strengths, weaknesses and variations in product lines and materials. Prior to performing the test, a sample of the abrasive material is held in place in a selftightening grip. As the test is carried out, the arm of the texture analyser draws the sample under and around a cylinder at 90 degrees and the force required to pull the material is recorded. A software macro is then employed to analyse the multi-peak force profiles obtained and apply special calculations to evaluate the frictional properties of the material and therefore allow manufacturers to evaluate the suitability of their products for a specific use.