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HDP/BS Warner刀具-肉蛋水產
HDP/BS Warner刀具
包含平口刀片和V 型切刀,可用於測試樣品受到剪切時的應力變化外,透過V 型刀片還可避免樣品受擠壓後而變形;符合NY-T1180-2006 畜肉嫩度(Tenderness)測定標準,亦可應用於畜水產等加工製品,如香腸、火腿、蔬菜組織等測定。
The HDP/BS Blade Set comprises a Warner Bratzler blade, a reversible blade, a slotted blade insert and a blade holder. The reversible blade has a knife edge at one end and a flat guillotine edge at the other.
Suitable selection of one of Stable Micro Systems blade/knife options can provide a useful determination of ‘bite force’ of a product.

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