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HDP/CFS 薯片彎曲折斷裝置
HDP/CFS 薯片三點彎曲折斷裝置
透過1/4 英寸的小球型探頭與薯片放置凹槽底座, 對樣品進行三點彎曲折斷測試,藉以評估產品的硬度(Hardness) 與酥脆性(Fracturability/Brittleness), 符合AIB 標準測試方法。
This rig is used to measure the fracturability of snack foods and potato crisps (known in some countries as chips) by means of a penetration test. It allows accurate location and quick alignment of the sample and is used with the Heavy Duty Platform. A 0.25" diameter spherical probe moves down onto a sample, which is centrally located over a circular support, up to the point of fracture. Normally a batch of 12 crisps is individually tested and the averages of the 12 maximum peak force and distance at break/fracture values are calculated to give a measure of fracturability.

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