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HDP/MKS 豆類測定裝置-穀物
依樣品需求可選擇5刀片或壓縮盤,適合測試非均勻性小量樣品的批量剪切/擠壓所需的力值。例如義大利螺旋面、豌豆等的堅實度(Firmness)和酥脆性(Fracturability)。符合國際標準AACCI Standard Method 56-36.01。
The MINIATURE KRAMER SHEAR/OTTAWA CELL (HDP/MK05* or HDP/MKS*) is particularly suited to reduce the force of bulk shearing/compression of multi particle products or non-uniform products.
It attaches to the HDP/90 Heavy Duty Platform. A 5-bladed head or compression platen can be attached to the arm of the texture analyser depending upon whether a shearing or bulk compression/extrusion test is required.

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