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LA-05 空氣乾燥器

LA-05 空氣乾燥器
保護您的洩漏儀、流動測試儀及包材測試儀不受水、水蒸氣、油蒸氣或油的損壞。 長期提供給儀器的空氣品質至關重要設備的性能。空氣供應不得含有水或油狀液體或蒸氣;否則,敏感的氣動元件可能會損壞感測器。的保修儀器不延伸到油或水引起的損壞 污染或重度顆粒污染。

Protects your leak, flow or package tester from damage from water, water vapor, oil vapor or oil.Air quality provided to your instrument is critical to the long term performance of the equipment. The air supply must not contain water or oil liquid or vapor; otherwise, sensitive pneumatic components and the transducer may be damaged. The warranty on the instrument does not extend to damage caused by oil or water contamination or heavy particulate contamination.

LA-05 空氣乾燥器
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