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P/2、P/5 圓柱型探頭-休閒食品
P/2、P/5 直徑 2-5mm 不銹鋼圓柱型探頭
透過直徑較小的圓柱型探頭進行穿刺;測試餅乾外層到內部不同層次的質地特性,如硬度(Hardness)、酥性(Crispy)、脆性 (Crunchy)及緻密性(Compactness)等指標,可測得與口感質地關聯較強的參數。
Cylinder probes are used for puncture and penetration tests on gels, fruit, yoghurts and margarine to provide an index of Hardness, Firmness or Yield Points. A puncture test measures both compressive and shear forces. Properties such as viscoelastic creep, compliance and stress relaxation can also be identified.s

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