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P/2N、P/2、P/5 柱型探頭
P/2N、P/2、P/5 柱型探頭
透過小針型或小柱型探頭進行穿刺試驗,可以測試水果由外到內不同層次的質地差異,如果皮硬度(Peel Hardness)、脆性(Fracturability)、屈服點(Yield Point) 及果肉平均硬度(Pulp Hardness)、緊實度(Compactness)等。
Cylinder probes are used for puncture and penetration tests on gels, fruit, yoghurts and margarine to provide an index of Hardness, Firmness or Yield Points. A puncture test measures both compressive and shear forces. Properties such as viscoelastic creep, compliance and stress relaxation can also be identified.

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