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TC/LN2 溫度控制箱
TC/LN2 - for TA.XT PlusC 單臂機型溫度控制箱
TC/HD/LN2 - for TA.HD PlusC 雙臂機型溫度控制箱
溫度控制範圍:-40 ℃ ~ 180 ℃,冷卻需搭配液態氮。
箱內尺寸:260 X 210 X 215 mm。
Thermal Cabinets TC/LN2 TC/HD/LN2
Thermal Cabinets solve the problems usually associated with the testing of hot and cold foods such as molten cheese or ice cream. Samples can be allowed to equilibrate to the required temperature before testing is performed within temperature before cabinets with liquid nitrogen cooling and electric heating (available for TA.XTplus and TA.HDplus instruments)provide an accurately controlled temperature environment over the temperature range of -40°C to +180°C.

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